Our organization works to enhance the educational, recreational, and research opportunities in MacGregor Point Provincial Park. The Board of Directors is guided by our Core Values, the needs of the park and a five-year plan when making decisions for funding. After consultation with the park staff, priorities are set for each year.
Our work includes: projects, programs, environmental initiatives and events.
Projects completed within the park have included infrastructure development or repairs, information boards and trail markers, supplying equipment for educational programs, and supporting trail development.

In the past the Friends for MacGregor Point Park has funded contracts for summer students and equipment to support the Discovery Program. We continue to fund live animal shows, educational speakers and presenters, the Artist in Residence Program, and a variety of workshops. Your donations help us to continue with this work.

Environmental Initiatives
Our organization believes that we have a responsibility to provide environmental education and to promote and model environmental action. Our initiatives have included the funding of the removal of invasive phragmites from some of the park shoreline and wetlands. We have provided materials and equipment to help control invasive buckthorn. Volunteers have built turtle nesting boxes to protect the eggs of turtles from predators. We have also created posters to encourage eco-friendly camping and we are working to eliminate waste in our fundraising events.

Past Poster Campaigns